We came up with more than ten ways to launch a glider…
Don’t Sink!
I Never Wanted to Fly Gliders
Reflecting back, I now realize I was dead wrong about gliders. In my humble opinion, two things set a great foundation…
Glider Pilot Scholarship for Young Aviators
What started out as single $600 grant each year has since grown to three or four young people each receiving $1000 towards flight lessons.
Seven Reasons You Should Learn to Fly Gliders
Like many things in aviation, costs vary depending on geography, club vs. flight school, type of aircraft being used, insurance rates, etc.
Does Glider Flight Time Count Toward an ATP Certificate?
Glider flight time does count toward an ATP. This is good news for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is the cost.
Six Aviation Headsets for Any Budget
My main headset has been the Telex Echelon 25XT. I personally prefer it because of the design of the headband; less pressure over the ears.
A Power Pilot’s First Impressions in a Glider
First impressions and notable differences between single-engine airplanes and the glider I first flew, the ASK-21B.
Two Pilots in Training to Fly Gliders – Only One Can Fly Solo
We recognize that the practical application of § 61.56 results in disparate treatment between student pilots and pilots with higher ratings.
An Expert on Aspect Ratio: James Darcy, Photographer for Airbus Perlan Mission II
Everything is briefed. The flight team and photo ship discuss all aspects of the mission before launching for the photography sequence.
The GLIDER Debrief™
A good pilot is always learning. A great pilot uses systems to ensure they are performing at their peak. The debrief is a wonderful way to help guide the post-flight conversation with yourself, your copilot, your student, or your instructor. Using the GLIDER™ acronym, pilots of gliders (and other craft) can follow the chronological process of flight to dive deeper into areas of proficiency and others that may need more focus.
Tow to
Most pilots know the importance of rudder control. A special few know what it takes to truly dance on the rudder pedals. Glider and tailwheel tow pilots are particularly adept at this dance; one might even say it takes tow to tango!
What brings more joy to a pilot’s heart than reminiscing on days gone by, flights flown, and memories made? We came up with a recipe: a little bit nostalgia, a little bit retro, and some classic lines; perfect for any aviator or aficionado.
A place for glider pilots, power pilots, and aviation enthusiasts to learn about soaring, flight training, pilot add-on ratings, aviation history, and sailplane trivia. We also look at safety, pre-flight briefing and post-flight briefing.
Stick and Glider created The GLIDER Debrief™ tool in 2020. Check out our store for branded Debrief merchandise.